The First Days of Pregnancy

  Wednesday Feb. 16, 2011
 It's Wednesday! This is exciting for SO many reasons! Ok... Well at least two.

   The first and most importnant is that Meg didn't take a pregnancy test today! I know right.. Every morning for a week straight she managed to get a positive, I guess she has decided it might be right? From what she said this morning I don't think we are officially "done" taking them, we are just off the "every day" frequency.
   The second awesome thing about Wednesday is the fact that: I get off a little earlier than I do on Monday and Tuesday, I get to jam out with the band, it means there is only one more day of my work week left, I get to jam out with the band, it's one day closer to Grillin' and Chillen' this weekend, and I get to jam out with the band!
   Since I brought up New Year's Revolutions yesterday I thought I would brag about the other thing I have been doing lately, or actually not doing..  So on January 16th I decided I was going to no longer drink any soda. That might not sound like a huge deal to you, however, I LOVE soda! For literally as long as I can remember I have drank mountain dew, and in the last year and a half I developed a love for Coca-Cola! A little over a year ago I tried to make the switch to diet drinks... Ewww! I gave it a shot but I couldn't keep it up so I ended up going back. So when I decided to cut it cold-turkey I had realized that I was drinking close to 150 ounces of soda a day. That would be about a 12 pack a day if it were cans. So far so good, I'm not going to say I haven't wanted one, but I know that if I can quit smoking cold-turkey after approximately 5 years, I can conquer this too!

  Tuesday Feb. 15, 2011
     So, Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday... It was a week ago today when I arrived home from work to find out we were expecting. Today was far less eventful. Overall today was very nice, just nothing exciting to write about really. I woke up and went to work. Highlight of today would probably be my lunch choice. Very rarely am I far enough South come lunch time to stop in at The Nav-A-Gator, however today I was!
     Last year I bought Meg a sewing machine, since then she has used it on and off to make a couple little things. Well a few months back we found an old sewing desk at a local thrift shop so we decided that we would refinish it and she could use it to home her sewing machine. It didn't take Meg long to get it finished up and we moved it into the office/spare bedroom. Meg has lately started getting into her sewing a little more. She started out with making some different baby-oriented items to give as presents. But, in the last week we have now moved to making baby-oriented items for us. She said tonight that it makes sewing a lot more fun to know that your making it for our baby. Personally, I'm just happy she is using the present I got her. :) Overall though, she is turning out some pretty neat and very cute items!
     One thing that I kind of made a "New Years Revolution" was that I was going to try to spend more time reading my Bible. Really with the technology we have these days there is no excuse not to. I have downloaded the YouVersion Bible app on my phone, iPod, and iPad. It is a free app that enables you to browse the Bible in many different translations. However my favorite part of the YouVersion app is that you can log on to their website at and create an account, for free, that links all your devices. They also have reading plans that you can subscribe to that automatically update your reading everyday. The plan that I'm doing is called First Steps, and it just gives you a small amount of scripture to dive into each day. For me if I am having a busy day, usually my quiet time is the first to get cut. I'm trying to make that a thing of the past! Francis Chan, in his book Crazy Love, encourages us to not feel as though we need to spend time with God, but instead, to try to get to the point in your life where you desire to spend that time with Him, that if we truly LOVE God we will want to spend time with Him. In my life I make time for too many things that I want.

  Monday Feb. 14, 2011
    Happy Valentine's Day!  Yes the day has arrived, the most important day for flower shops around the country! Today is the day for most men to go out and at the last minute scavenge through what is left of the heart shaped boxes of candy, grab the roses that are the least dead, and hopefully find a card. However being that today is the first Valentine's day for Meg and I since we said "I do", I had planned on making it a little more special for her. Planned, being the key-word here. I must brag on myself a little, I did manage to get a card and some chocolates a day early where she would have them when she woke up, but that was all I managed to do. So now the day has arrived where I too must face the walk of shame through the checkout line with my Valentines' gift in hand. (I always feel like the cashiers judge you for not buying stuff early) Either way, last minute or not, I think I did pretty good. (Shout out to Old Pine Candle and Gifts!) I was also able to surprise Meg by staying home tonight. I told her I was going to bible study and then hid my truck in the back yard and waited. She kind of spoiled part of my surprise by walking straight into the spare room where I was hiding... but either way she was very excited to see me! Meg's Mom gave us a Giovanni's Gift card so we thought about going there for dinner, but when we called they said they had a 45min wait so we decided upon Taco Express. Overall I would say our first V-Day as a married couple went really well!
   How about the low-down on what Meg's body is up to? And no, none of this is technical. Lately Meg has been: mostly cheerful with a glowing smile (my description), "face is breaking out like a teenager" (Meg's description), very cute talking about baby stuff (my description), "hormonal" (Meg's description), sexy as ever! (obviously my description), "bloated" (Meg's description).    And that's what's goin on with the pregnant one! Oh yea, and.. Over-active blatter. (Mine and Meg's description)
   Also today I was able to talk to Mom for a while on the phone and she seemed very excited! I am also very excited, not just for Meg and I, but for them as well! I know they are going to be great grandparents and I can't wait to see how they manage to spoil their first grandchild. Someone made the comment this weekend about how Dad makes the dogs go crazy by picking on them and how he was going to be the same way with our kids! I however, feel like that is inaccurate, I'm sure he'll be much worse with our kids, and I personally cant wait!

  Sunday Feb. 13, 2011
   Coming to the end of a busy and exciting weekend, it makes me happy to begin to see happiness in other's eyes for us. Yesterday was Saturday and Meg and I had a pretty lazy day. We did clean house, considering it was way overdue. But otherwise we just kind of hung out and watched some Oh and yes don't worry Meg hasn't stopped taking pregnancy tests yet. I'll be sure to document at what number we actually end up at. At least she's not pissing away money... LoL! Ok sorry I wrote that, I know it was inappropriate, but you know you laughed. And actually Meg ordered a bunch of little cheap tests off amazon, so I can't complain. But anyway, we decided to call Alisha and tell her the good news on Saturday. She was also very shocked, but also really excited. Around lunch time I received a voice mail from my brother-in-law, who seemed to be very excited! Saturday was very reassuring and joyful!
   Today we celebrated my Nana's 80th birthday. After church everyone went to Mom and Dad's and we had a nice family fish fry for her birthday. Since Meg and I are waiting to tell the majority of people until after we have been to the doctor, we didn't share the news with everyone, but we thought it was a good time to tell Nana. So with Nana arriving early to the party we were able to spill the beans and tell a couple fun stories before everyone arrived. Nana definitely seemed like she was really happy for us and excited!
   I would say the biggest struggle for the weekend would be not telling our Sunday School Class, we have grown really close to our classmates and really wanted to tell them, but we made the decision to wait. We know that everyone in our class is going to be really excited and we can't wait to tell them! Overall it was a really good weekend! Tomorrow marks our first Valentines Day as a married couple, and chances are we won't see each other until it is time for bed.

 "To my wife Meg, know that I love you and I thank you for everything you do for me! I'm glad to call you my wife and I know you are going to make an amazing mother! Happy Valentines Day, I love you!"

  Friday Feb. 11, 2011
Well another day, another couple pregnancy tests and yes, we are still pregnant. As day four begins to come to an end I look back over the excitement from today. For the first time since we found out, I didn't have to get up and go to work today, so this morning started out with a long enjoyable time to just lie in bed and hang out. After we were finally corralled out of bed by the dog, Meg made us some biscuits for breakfast and we settled in to watch some tv. We enjoyed a nice peaceful morning just hanging out together. For lunch we decided to ask a couple we are friends with, if they wanted to meet us downtown. We had a fun time getting to hang out! Once we arrived back home Meg began to ask if we could tell our parents. She had wanted to tell somebody since we found out, so I agreed that we could tell our parents.
   Months ago Meg had found a dog shirt online that says "I'm going to be a big brother". Even though we didn't know when we would need it, we knew we liked it. So with a little bit of altering to fit our muscular black lab, we had him ready. We started the "tell-all" next door with Meg's mom and grandma. The dog ran over first to greet them. My favorite part is that upon reading his shirt Meg's mom said, "you're getting a puppy?" So after we explained that no we were not getting another dog, we were having a baby, they were both surprised and excited for us! After that we decided to go to my parents to spill the beans. We concluded the dog shirt would still do the trick, so we gave it a second go.  Upon our arrival they met us outside and congratulated us. They were surprised.
  With the big news out, now it is just time to wait and let it sink in. I'm very excited for both of our sets of parents to become grandparents and I'm sure they we will be great at it! For now we have to wait for it to sink in and the excitement to grow!

    Thursday Feb. 10, 2011
 We are now three days and about 10 or so pregnancy tests in. So far they have all came out the same, the really cheap ones, the somewhat cheap ones, and the nice expensive digital one too.  They all confirm the fact that Meg is officially knocked up. LOL. Ok I guess I shouldn't phrase it quite like that.
   So today I'm going to get into the question that everyone is going to want to know. "were y'all wanting/trying to get pregnant?" I know that if you are reading this than you, for sure, have wondered that question at some time.  So I'm going to try my hardest to tell you the absolute truth about the situation.  Yes, Meg and I have only been married since May. Yes, that seems kind of quick to make the exciting plunge into parenting. Yes, we are young. Yes, we have the rest of our lives ahead of us. So on and so forth...  However, Meg and I have been together for nearly seven years! We have always know that we wanted to have children, we have even had names picked out for a few years now.  But, I'm not telling you that we were "trying" to conceive. I'm just simply stating that in our life point as a couple we were willing to leave it up to God. So that is exactly what we did. We both firmly believed that if it was time for us to have a child that God would bless us with one, and if not then that would be the answer we got. God has been very evident in our marriage and lives thus far so why not trust him in this. When we set our wedding date without knowing if I would be employed, we trusted him, and I started my job in May. He has blessed our family time and time again and I believe that he will continue to bless us. So to answer your question, yes/no. Hope that clears it up :)
    Tonight we went to Fort Myers for Meg's class. After we left the school we went to Target and then over to Books A Million to check out some books.  Just so you know, in a pregnant woman's eyes it is never to early to start reading up on baby books. For some reason after our wedding was over I thought that would be the last time that we collected a bunch of magazines and books about how we were suppose to live our lives. I apparently never thought about baby books. Now don't get me wrong I'm definitely not knocking the baby books, it just takes me (I'm going to venture here and say most men) longer to get excited about this kind of stuff then it does women. Not that I'm not excited because I am very excited! I'm just not "go buy a book" excited. I'm a little more "6-7 months in read the cliff notes" excited. But I think you have to be very careful to walk a thin line here. You don't want to make it sound like you don't care, because you do, or at least I do, a lot! However I have never been one to read my homework more than a night before it was due. That's just how God programmed me. So hopefully I will SOON find a very intriguing and mind capturing expecting father book.  Maybe if Tony Nolan could write a "this is what to expect when she is expecting, for the ADHD dad".  But anyway, at three days in now, the excitement is ever growing and the fun is just beginning!


  So today is Wednesday Feb. 9 2011. Yesterday when I returned home from work Meg greeted me outside and told me that she had a surprise for me. Being that I had ordered a new pair of shoes, that is what I thought it was, so I continued to finish my quick chores outside before finally making my way in the house.  When I walked inside Meg was standing there with a small cardboard box that I could easily read on, my first thought was, ''how in the world did they fit my shoes inside that tiny box.'' On the outside of the box Meg had taped a red piece of paper that said Happy Valentines Day. Very confused on how my shoes were in this box I proceeded to open it, once I had it in my hands I could feel the weight wasn't what it should be either, upon a little further investigation, the box had been re-taped back together.  I was beginning to realize this probably wasn't my shoes..  But what happened next I would of never seen coming.
    So with box in hand getting ready to rip the tape to see what was inside I made the last glance up to see Meg's face gleaming with cheer.  I knew it had to be something awesome for her to be so excited, so I looked back down to the package and ripped the two stitches of scotch tape holding the lid closed.  With the tape broken free, the lid popped open with spring-like action to reveal the cutest little baby outfit with a guitar on it that says, "my daddy rocks". The thought process after I looked at it went kind of like this, "aww, so cute; wonder why she got that for me; I do like it; kind of impractical; WAIT! No way!; I'm gonna be a dad!" (Now I know your thinking that it seems like it took a minute for me to figure that out, however, those thought processes together only took about .6 seconds.) Once the "I'm gonna be a dad" wave hit me, I immediately shot my face back to Meg's, who was smiling now harder than before. My response was "really", "like really really".  I was excited, in shock, and in disbelief. (Even today as I right this I'm still in disbelief.) So, after a lot of hugging and smiling we decided to go down to Giovanni's last night to celebrate.  So in our own little world of happiness and love we sat together in a crowded restraunt and smiled at each other knowing that we are now expecting!