Friday, May 20, 2011

May 22nd

So what are your plans for the 22nd? Well I mean if we are still around and all... Yes yes i'm speaking about all the hype of May 21st. I mean don't get me wrong, if by some miraculous way he is right (which would contradict the Bible) I guess I would be eating my words... But then again I'd be doing it from Glory Land... So..

I guess my biggest complaint about this Harold Camping scandal is the fact that these things only succeed in making the rest of us Christians look like loony tunes. In a time where Christianity is such a necessity in our world and when we should be working our hardest to share the Gospel, one man can come out and single-handedly kick Christianity in the face by looking like a fruit cake. From book-burning to billboards of the coming rapture there will always be someone in the Christian faith that somehow ends up focusing on the wrong things. Get back to the basics, "Love God, love others"...

I thought I would make a last minute bucket list of things to do... You know just in case..

-Mow the yard (it really needs to be done, and no telling how high it will be by October)
-Update my Hulu queue (there's a new Modern Family in there)
-Watch Avatar on blu-ray with the new Bose sound system.
-Pick my garden (granted it wont be that important, but I've waited a long time to be able to do that)
-Regret cutting my hair (I would've been growing it out for a couple years if I had known sooner)
-Jam out on the guitar (need to keep my fingers fresh, I'm really hoping for a Taylor when I get to heaven)
-Freshen up on my big name Christians (I want to make sure I can recognize the big guys!)

I also want to watch the last two Lord of the Rings movies, but I'll probably wait till the 22nd to do that, they're pretty long and I'd hate to waste time....

Do you have any last minute ideas?

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